Application Form for net-metering

Application Form for net-metering

Application Form for net-metering Please print page number 10 to page number 19 and apply for netmetering with electricity board/ company.

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138 MC Colony



The eligible consumer may install the rooftop solar system under net metering arrangement which,

The net metering facility shall also be applicable to such consumers who have already installed rooftop solar system subject to compliance of these Regulations

The eligible consumer shall make an application in the prescribed form to the licensee of the area, along with application processing fee of ` 1000/-, for seeking permission for installation of rooftop solar system in his premises under net metering arrangement.
A specimen of the application form is attached as Annexure-I to these Regulations.

Energy Accounting

Electricity generated from a rooftop solar system shall be cumulatively capped at 90% of the electricity consumption by the consumer at the end of settlement period which shall be the relevant financial year. In case solar power system is connected to the grid during part of the year, the 90% capping shall be on the electricity consumption from the date of connection (to the grid) to the end of the financial year. The carry forward of excess energy generation shall be allowed from one billing cycle to the next billing cycle up to the end of the same financial year. Any excess generation (above 90%) at the end of the financial year shall not be offset against the consumer’s consumption. There shall be no carry forward to the next financial year.

 Billing and payment

The consumer shall receive a net import/export bill indicating either net export to the grid or net import from the gird.
In case of net import bill, i.e. electricity supplied by the licensee exceeds the electricity generated by the consumer’s solar rooftop system, the licensee shall raise bill for the net electricity consumption after taking into account any carry forward from previous billing periods in the same financial year. If during any billing period, the export of energy exceeds the import of energy, such surplus energy (in KWh/KVAh) injected by the consumer shall be carried forward to the next billing period as energy credit and shown as energy exported by the consumer for adjustment against the energy consumed in subsequent billing periods within the settlement period. No interest shall be payable on this energy credit. Simultaneously licensee shall not levy any charges on the energy injected to the grid.
If the eligible consumer is under the ambit of time of day tariff, the electricity consumption in any time block peak, off-peak or normal shall be first set off with the solar generation in the same time block. Any excess generation over consumption in any time block, over and above the usage in that time block shall be adjusted against energy supplied at the lowest applicable tariff across all the slots.

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