Solar Products

Solar Products

Solar products configuration maximizes land use. As a results, they are able to collect more sunlight per acre . Than any competitive offering. Because the system sits so close to the ground. The potentially negative impact of large shadows on energy gathering is minimized. Only 3.1 acres of land are needed to build 1MW of solar power.

Solar Con

Solar con hybrid solar charge controller convert’s the customer’s existing of Inverter/hubs battery inverter into solar energy powered intelligent system. The system functions according to the user setting for the battery and main usage for running the load.

It can be connected with any existing HUPS. The inverter and convert it into a solar powered system. It controls the mains supply to the inverter . So that when the battery is fully charged and still . Solar power is available to charge the battery. It automatically disconnects the mains from the inverter and the inverter starts working in a backup mode. Now the power is supplied from the battery and solar. This helps in utilizing the solar power generated optimally.

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