Solar Spark Lighter
A Solar Spark Lighter or Sunlighter is a pocket-sized stainless steel parabolic mirror, shaped to concentrate sunlight on a small prong holding combustible material at the focal point. A revival of an old gadget marketed as a cigarette lighter by RadioShack in the 1980s, it is a useful hiking and camping accessory as its functioning is not affected by having been soaked by rain or falling in rivers or the sea. To operate it clearly needs sunlight and a small piece of flammable material. Once a glowing spark has been achieved, careful blowing will produce a blaze. Its simplicity, small size and light weight make it an indispensable item in any survival kit.
The Solar Spark Lighter is the world’s only pocket-size solar lighter. It is a stainless steel parabolic mirror, just like the one used to light the Olympic torch in Athens. It is designed to focus the sun’s radiant energy to a precise focal point that can reach hundreds of degrees!
Although most of these substances are harmless in the short term without cleaning they can build up and cause issues for your panels. Not only will your panels look ugly and diminish the look of your exterior, it can also mean difficulty with the functioning of the panels. Your panels may reduce the energy disposition to your home.
However cleaning your panels shouldn’t be a weekly activity, your cleaning schedule for your panels should be dependent on your intuition and look of the panels. If you live in a rural area and nature is harsh towards your panels then you may need to clean them more regularly than other solar panel owners. If the panels are covered in dirt or muck then you should definitely give them a thorough clean and make note of how long it takes for them to get back into this condition.
Parabolic reflectors are used for many applications that require parallel rays from a distant source be focused to a small point. Applications include satellite dishes, telescopes, and lighters like this one.