Solar Backpack

Solar Backpack

A Solar Backpack is a viable source of renewable energy that has gained popularity in recent decades. As developments in photovoltaic (PV) technology produce higher levels of efficiency, the use of PV modules grows. One recent application of PV technology is the Voltaic Solar Backpack,

A Solar power is a cloth sack carried on one’s back and secured with two straps that go over the shoulders, equipped with thin film solar cells and batteries. The solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, which is stored in the batteries and can be used to power portable electronic appliances like mobile phones and mp3 players.

The solar backpack usually contains a flexible monocrystalline solar panel, battery, charge controller, plugs, cords and light bulbs. It provides users with power up to 120 watt-hours/day, capable of powering electronic equipment rated up to 300 W. It can also be utilized in international aid, disaster relief, emergency power and field research

  • Solar backpacks can also be used to power medical equipment and humanitarian relief efforts
  • Solar backpacks are light-weight, hence making it easier to carry.
  • Flexible solar panels also are light and portable, as well as waterproof.
  • backpacks can also be used to power cameras for use in remote areas.
  • It also convert ac power from wall outlets and utilize power from disposable batteries and vehicles


How Solar Backpack Work

The main components used are PV or photovoltaic cells. These photovoltaic cells are grouped or attached together as panels or modules. These are capable of collecting or harnessing the light coming from our mighty sun and then converting it to electricity that can be readily and easily utilized.While the photovoltaic cells are the primary component, they can’t complete their task without the use of a semiconductor, which are substances capable of conducting the electricity harnessed from the sun. In this scenario, the semiconductor is silicon, which will be used on the solar cells.
Once the solar panel is hit by the sunlight, the silicon will absorb a considerable amount of light and energy and once this process takes place, the electrons contained in the silicon will be knocked loose and will then start to liberally flow. Next, the electrical field in the PV cells will shake up the electrons and will force all of them to go in only one direction, much like a shepherd herding his sheep.

When electric current is created which can then be harnessed by the connecting contact metal points at the bottom and top portions of the photovoltaic cells. When the energy has been accumulated, it may either be utilized as electricity instantly, or just stored in several batteries or one battery so it can be used later.

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