Solar balloon

Solar balloon

A Solar power balloon is a balloon that gains buoyancy when the air inside is heated by the sun’s radiation, usually with the help of black or dark balloon material. The heated air inside the solar balloon expands and has lower density than the surrounding air. As such, a solar balloon is similar to a hot air balloon. Current usage of solar balloons is predominantly in the toy market, although it has been proposed that they be used in the investigation of planet Mars, and some solar balloons are large enough for human flight. A vent at the top can be opened to release hot air for descent and deflation.

Most typically, they are made of a thin plastic sheeting – the same stuff garbage bags are made from. Because of this, you can make a working solar balloon using thin, black, cheap trash bags.Solar balloons have been made as small as 3.5 feet tall and as large as over 60 feet tall. They can also be made in a variety of shapes – cylindrical, tetrahedral, rectangular, traditional hot air balloon shape, or even special shapes.

Solar balloons have been recorded at altitudes up to about 50,000 feet. Maximum altitude depends on the size of the balloon and its payload, but most solar balloons will fly at least into the jet stream and often higher. As long as the sun is out, they will fly. If they reach into or above the jet stream, they will pick up incredible speeds and fly several hundred miles in a day before cooling down and descending around sunset.

Estimating energy received

If the balloon is imagined as a sphere, the sunlight received by this sphere can be imagined as the cross-section of a cylinder with the same radius as this sphere, see diagram. The area of this circle can be calculated via:
For example, the energy received by a spherical, 5 metre radius, solar balloon with an envelope of black plastic on a clear day with direct insolation of 1000 W/m2, can be estimated by first calculating the area of its great circle:

Then multiplying this with the emissivity of the plastic and the direct insolation of the sun:
78.54 * 0.95 * 1000 = 74,613 Watts

Here is what make it possible! :

  • The sun energy at ground level is about 1000 W per square meter.
  • The balloon is made of an envelope capable collecting the sun energy (special fabric with a special coating).
  • It is inflated with ambient air.
  • The envelope pickup enough of the sun energies to heat the air within the balloon.

It work like a common hot air balloon but the heat is produced by the envelop it self rather than by a burner as is usually seen on those balloons. The envelope is made of a very light and strong rip stopping fabric. This fabric is coated with a special component that renders it airtight and also makes it possible to efficiently convert ambient radiation into heat. This heat is then transferred to the air within the balloon by direct contact.

We use a ripstop fabric made of a high tenacity nylon fibres woven on special looms resulting in constructions that are light, low porosity, and durable. They are impregnated with PU and woven with a ripstop pattern (this is an integrally woven pattern of heavier yarns within a fabric to restrict tear and crazing.)

Advantage of solar balloon

  • It is free and last a lifetime.
  • No pollution,free power do to no hastle solar panels and eco friendly.
  • Its cheap to use. you can have them on your homes a advantage of solar energy.
  • Great way for advertising your business.
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