Solar Importance

Solar Importance

Importance of Solar Energy

  • The solar energy are available in the abundant quantity and free to use.
  • The non-renewable sources of energy that we are using are limited and are bound to expire one day.
  • Solar energy have no carbon emissions, therefore they are considered as green and environment friendly.
  • Solar panels helps in stimulating the economy and creating job opportunities. The money that is used to build these plants can provide jobs to thousands to lakhs of people.
  • You don’t have to rely on any third country for the supply of  solar energy as in case of non-renewable sources.
  • Various tax incentives in the form of tax waivers, credit deductions are available for individuals and businesses who want to go green.

Disadvantage of Non-Renewable Sources of Energy

  • Non-renewable sources will expire some day and we have to us our endangered resources to create more non-renewable sources of energy.
  • The speed at which such resources are being utilized can have serious environmental changes.
  • Non-renewable sources release toxic gases in the air when burnt which are the major cause for global warming.
  • Since these sources are going to expire soon, prices of these sources are soaring day by day.

Applications of solar energy

The oldest solar application is daylighting. Daylighting system collects and distributes sunlight to provide effective internal illumination inside buildings. Daylighting design implies careful selection of window types, sizes and orientation may be considered as well. There are also other architectural features such as light shelves and even active sun tracking system which combine with fiber optics or mirrors to provide light to interior of large buildings.

Solar Thermal
Solar thermal technologies can be used for water heating in homes or commercial and space heating or space cooling for buildings. Solar water heating systems use different type of collectors to gather and store the solar energyfor heating water used in residential, commercial and industrial applications. For space heating and cooling in warm temperature region, the thermal mass materials is needed to keep building cool by absorbing solar energy during a day and radiate stored heat to cooler atmosphere at night. However they can be used in cold temperature areas to maintain warmth as well.

Solar Electric Power Generation
Solar energy can be directly converted to electricity by photovoltaic cells. Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems provide electricity to home or business for lighting, TV, fan, computer, stereo, refrigerator, water pump or livestock feeders, without connection to utility grid. They are also used to power watches, calculators and sign lights.

Comparision of solar energy with non renewable sources of energy

  • Other sources of energy will vanish one day but the solar energy is available through sun which will provide solar energy till the end of this world.
  • We can use solar energy at the rapid speed but we cant use non renewable sources of energy.
  • Solar Energy is available free of cost but for non renewable sources of energy we have to pay high amount.
  • Solar energy will not pollute the environment but the emission of carbon from non renewable sources of energy had already polluted the environment.
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