Solar Lamps

Solar Lamps

Solar lamp is a portable light fixture composed of an LED lamp, a photovoltaic solar panel, and a rechargeable battery. Solar panel on top of the lamp recharges the battery.

The principle is simple and seductively clever: solar lights that store energy during the day and release light at night. In rural India, solar lamps, commonly called solar lanterns, using either LEDs or CFLs, are being used to replace kerosene lamps solar lamp consists mainly the solar panel,storage battery and the solar lamp. on day time the solar panel storage the sun light into the battery and night time that power consume by the solar works 8-10 hour depend on the capacity.

Some Great Reasons to Use Solar Power and Solar Lighting

Renewable: Solar is a renewable energy source. The sun is always present and even the cloudiest days have some sun power available for the solar panels to soak up.

Available Anywhere: Solar can be installed anywhere, even when what it is powering is in the shade. No matter what the circumstance, if there is a sunny spot nearby the solar can be installed to power something remotely installed.

Eco-Friendly: No harmful gases come from a solar panel.

Cost and Energy Savings: Solar provides cost savings by not having to pay for electricity.

Battery Backup: Most solar systems today utilize a battery backup that allows for three plus days storage of the power needed to keep the system running. That way, if the sun goes out, you will still have power for a couple days.

Benefits of Solar Lights

Extends the Working day in rural areas: On average it is dark by 6:30 year round. Solar Lighting allows rural families to extend their workday into the evening hours. Many villages where solar lights are installed see a increase in their economic activity levels. Installing Solar lights in villages allows businesses to operate during the evening
Saves Energy: Solar electricity for the Third World is clearly the most effective energy conservation program because it conserves costly conventional power for urban areas, town market centers, and industrial and commercial uses.

Improves Health Issues: Fumes from kerosene lamps in poorly ventilated houses are a serious health problem in much of the world where electric light is unavailable. The World Bank estimates that 780 million women and children breathing kerosene fumes inhale the equivalent of smoke from 2 packs of cigarettes a day. By the use of Solar Lanterns these issues are resolved.

Improves Literacy rate: Solar light improves literacy, because people can read after dark more easily than they can by candle or lamp light. School work improves and eye sight is safeguarded when children study by solar powered light.

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