Solar panel installation : More than half our customers do install and maintain their own solar power systems. Some hire extra help for area of the solar panel installation. Virtually all have an electrician or other professional the real wiring and metering in to the house.
So, yes! You are able to size your system to suit your preferences and budget. You can select the components. And you can set up it and keep it.
Roof space available for solar panel installation:
One obvious factor to be taken into consideration when mounting panels on a roof is the amount of space available on it. A typical polycrystalline or monocrystalline panel measures about 1.6m x 1m, and depending on the capacity (size in watts) of your system, for an average 2 or 3-bedroom home, you should be able to fit enough panels to significantly offset your electricity costs on one, or in a stretch, two parts of your roof. Closeness of the panels to your home is not an absolute requirement: the roofs of sheds, garages, and balconies that stand slightly apart from your house may also provide options for placement.
Learn to mount our own solar panel installation in some steps.
First: Choose a spot for your panel on either the west or east area of the roof, where ever it will get the most the sun.
Second: Find out your latitude tilt. In case you live below twenty-five levels latitude, your solar panel installation will have to be tilted towards the sunlight in the amount of latitude number. In case you live at twenty-five degrees lat., you will tilt your panels by twenty-five levels. After twenty-five latitude, add five degrees for every single additional five degrees of lat. up to forty levels. ( 35 lat sama dengan 50 tilt and {35|40|31} lat = 40 tilt) At forty degrees lat., add twenty degrees of tilt to your lat. number. (55 lat sama dengan 75 tilt) Memorize that and say it back again five times fast.
Third: Solar Wall mounts should be located four feet apart and on top of rafters. You can use a man finder or the plans of your home to find those rafters.
Fourth: Routine holes carefully into the rafters. You do not want them to divided. These holes are where your steel bolts will fasten the solar-panel wall mounts to roof.
Fifth: Protect the mounts with metal bolts. Make sure to seal the location around the bolts in order to keep your thermal package air tight. And then your solar panel installation will be done.