HHO Introduction

What’s Electrolysis?
Electrolysis is the process of using electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Typically we seek hydrogen gas or oxygen gas. When both are bubbled up and collected together – we create a burnable fuel.

HHO Introduction

What’s HHO?
The combination of hydrogen gas (H2) and oxygen gas (O2) together is called HHO. It is also known as oxyhydrogen and Brown’s Gas. HHO is fuel. Burning HHO creates water vapor, in other words – water! HHO is a very green fuel.

What’s a Mileage Booster?
An electrolysis device is called an electrolyzer cell, booster cell, or HHO generator. When the HHO is piped into the air intake, the engine burns it as fuel. Using water for fuel reduces normal fuel consumption; However, boosting draws from the alternator (engine power). So, mileage gains are a subject of debate. We have observed gains from -8% to +20%. There are no guarantees & each vehicle responds differently. Expect to tinker to achieve higher mileage gains.

Is Hydrogen Safe?
Yes and No. Hello, We are dealing with explosive gasses! Use extreme caution in testing and adhere to safety guidelines in your builds. Be Safe! Property damage or serious injury may occur. Storing hydrogen, like any other fuel, is generally considered an unsafe practice. However, HHO must never be stored. If sparked, HHO is able to detonate inside the sealed storage container. Do not allow HHO to accumulate. By design, incorporate flash venting into HHO equipment. Self-sealing flash ports, flashback suppressors, bubblers, and engine-on power switching are core components to a safe HHO booster system.

What’s HOD?
Hydrogen on Demand is amazing! When we need fuel, water can be fractured and used immediately. HOD eliminates all the safety issues concerning hydrogen storage. How? Hydrogen is locked safely in water until we need it! The cost savings and safety gains of HHO on demand are important and easily overlooked. Many advancing H2 technologies only want the revenue from delivery, storage, and pumping sales. When water is safe, Why store something dangerous? With the rising costs of fuel, water is attractive. Hydrogen on Demand is becoming a household concept. For your fuel needs, consider creating HHO from water.

Why use Stainless Steel?
Many conductive metals corrode, inside the electrolyzer environment. Stainless Steel resists corrosion. Stainless Steel grade 304 is the minimum standard. Stainless Steel grade 316L is recommended for high quality electrolyzers.

What’s Electrolyte?
Pure water does not conduct electricity. Adding a base to the water creates an electrolytic solution and increases conductivity, allowing electrolysis to occur.

Installation Of HHO