Solar lighting Generator

Solar lighting Generator

Surya Urza is a fully integrated solar solutions. It provider from wafer to cell, module, subsystems, systems, installation, commissioning, maintenance and service. We provide customised solar solutions to illuminate homes, streets and communities. our solar water pumps help pump water to fields, and heat water for residential and commercial applications. Solar lighting Generator Reliable and cost-effective solar power is provided to sectors ranging from education and banking to healthcare and telecommunications.

Nano Solar torch LED Rechargeable torches give you an unique blend of renewable power and exceptional performance. Easy to use and light weight. This torch is ideal as a searchlight, walking assistance light, emergency light, study light, mining light. railway light, security assistance light, spot light, camp light, forest light and many more uses. The Nano Torch comes with power LED’s . A good life battery and long range focused beam. It is compatible with a photo voltaic charger.